Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

I wonder what it brings. I was remembering the Y2K fuss at the dawn of the last decade, and thinking what a tempest in a teapot that turned out to be. Will we find that our worries and fears will turn out to be just as groundless 10 years from now? Of course, at my age just surviving 10 years will be an accomplishment. Good Wishes to you both, and your families as well. I've had a real sense of passing the torch to a new generation lately, and figuratively, passing on my hopes and dreams. I've promised Amber a list of what to do with all of my treasures. I've been thinking about it, but now actually have to get it down on paper. That should take at least 10 years.

Yes, our fun the other day carried on. On the way to Baked Expectations, we stopped at Chapters to buy a book. We found a clearance table of hard covers that were cheaper than paperbacks, although we bought the paperback we had planned to--along with several of his brothers--almost $90.00 worth. So--with that many books, and the freezer full to overflowing--there is no need for us to step outside the door for about 2 months.

Using the mouse left handed is quite a challenge. I've always know that my dominance is very well established, and I feel like such a duffer trying to make this work. I can only do it for so long. After about 10 minutes, my arm fatigues and any coordination I've built up goes out the window. So I'm having to limit it to playing solitaire right now. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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