Sunday, September 9, 2012

Frost warning

I knew it would come and I would not be ready - so I will have to get the indoor plants in from the outside where they spent the summer and really thrived! But how shall I do this when the shelves are covered with seeds drying out ? Tomorrow shall be a challenge and I can hardly wait ( NOT!) In the meantime, I am sitting here at the computer and sipping on the last drops of wine from the "box", and eating not one but two jelly rolls (the little ones that come in a package of six) I always end up regretting my lack of discipline when it comes to eating goodies - always a reaction to stress - some starve, but others, like myself "feed" the frenzie! We have another pidgeon in a cage in our living room. Last year we cared for an ailing pidgeon for about three - four weeks before it was healthy enough to fly off. I hope this one will heal very fast! More tomatoe juice made today, and now I must finish off the dishes before I can hit the bed and read. What are you folks reading right now? I often wonder if I read myself into a comfortable trap by choosing the same author over and over - I really would like to try to explore and try others. I have enjoyed the authors you both provided several years ago - maybe a few "new" names would help me expand a bit?
Anyway, another week on the horizon. Keep writing! Take care

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