Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am guilty of ruminating as well! But then maybe it is part of my having to prepare and to organize and be ready for things all the time, every day and every minute of the day. Gets tiresome- so lets focus on the party aspects of our lives, such as Anniversary celebrations, and summer visits! Much more fun.
Speaking of fun, I am so anxious to see the "fishbowl" Did you incorporate the blue fabric you had intended to use?  It sounds very interesting and hope raises a few eyebrows when on display!
I got half the lawn cut this afternoon (along the front of the house) and then looked at the side along the road and decided it really did not need a trim and would be just fine until next year!
It must be my week for speaking with people - I had to go to the bank and stood in line behind a neighbour man who Harry frequently speaks with, but with whom I have had little interaction.When I came out, he was in his car and beckoning me over to speak - he had his wife beside him and said "you haven't met my wife yet have you" to which I replied, "no I haven't" (thinking all the time that I really didn't know him either). So I bent down into the car window and I met his wife and the three of us had a fairly long and nice conversation.
So long for now - take care.

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