Saturday, September 26, 2009


I read your postings and am really confused at your thoughts. I have always been the short tempered sister and have been trying for years to develop the patience that you both have. Now I find out that neither of you feels as patient as you used to. Both of you chose careers that demanded patience and I was always amazed at how you both handled your lives. I still can't conceal my impatience at others ineptitude (perceived or actual). From my last contact with both of you I saw no outward sign of impatience. Perhaps your impatience is not external. You hide it outwardly and seethe inwardly. I think as we age we all start to allow the attitudes that we have always had to be expressed. We no longer feel we have the time to waste being someone we are not. I, too, am frustrated when I phone somewhere for help and can't understand what is being said. On the other hand, they speak English much better than I speak their language. I have always wanted to speak another language, but have never mastered one. It is good for me to find out that my sisters are as human as I am. Love Ya

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