Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday again

It's supposed to be warmer today, so hopefully we can finish the outside work. I didn't even go into town yesterday. Just worked around the house. I am getting it tidied, and hopefully clean soon. Our billet is here on Wednesday night, but he will just have to suffer through the reality of my housekeeping ability. In theory I have November 9 to 13 off work. Hopefully it works out for me. I really need some down time. Maybe I can get the house clean! Spoke to Keri again yesterday. It is so nice to talk to her. I guess we are at the age that it is more like talking to a friend than a daughter. Of course I still lecture her like a mother, but that goes with the job. I haven't spoken to Kris since the beginning of October, but I will give him a call today. He never was much of a talker on the phone. You have to drag words out of him. But it's still nice to touch base. We never get trick or treaters here, so I don't have to buy candy. (which is good, because I would have to buy twice since I would eat the first batch) Jim is trying to root some cuttings from his Norfolk Island Pine. He found a website that showed how to take cuttings, even though it is a hard wood tree. I hope it works, cause his pine is looking pretty bad right now and he wants to start over. If it doesn't work I guess I know what I can get him for Christmas. He was working on the washing machine yesterday. It is not doing great, but I need it to last a while longer. This morning when I got up one of the hoses had disconnected and there was water all over the floor. Good thing it is in the basement. I guess it is time to go and work on my tomatoes. I stewed up another big batch yesterday and I will put them into freezer bags today. I am sure I have another batch ripe already. Have a great week.

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