Saturday, February 27, 2010

Be - Same Saturday but different adventures for all of us...

There you are Patty, off to the Museum to give instruction to an eager group of students plus a run to Tims included, and here I am spending the last four hours cleaning out the turtles tank. Now this is no easy task to complete on ones own, but satisfaction nonetheless with a job well done. So I intend to reward myself with an afternoon of doing "my" sort of things - I hope. I need to practice violin and then pull out my yo yo fish and work away at it while watching the Olympics. The Mens Curling final will be on at 6 pm tonight our time, so will plan my time to coincide with that. I watched the Womens final last evening and was so sorry that Canada was not able to pull off the Gold - they played so well all week in order to get to the final. And I intend to stay up late Sunday evening to watch the closing ceremonies - they should start at 9 pm our time.
It is mild here now, so I have been chipping away at the accumulated ice buildup on the front stairs and walk. The roof is covered with thick ice buildup which is common every year but when it starts to thaw either slowly which is OK, or quickly with a rain storm, then there is the potential for water in the house. This always scares me. We need a new roof and hopefully I can see if this can happen this summer ie $$
Well, I best get at the violin- I am determined to show a good face at lessons but need to practice to even pretend I can play. I cannot fool my instructor so I do not even try. Take care

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