Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gotta love those drugs!!

Been to the dentist. Can't tell you much about it. I have been told that in less than an hour and a half, he hooked me up to a blood pressure cuff, and finger tip oximeter, and an IV drip, removed a crown, did a root canal, fixed a cavity, prepared me for a new crown, installed a temporary crown, and cleaned my four remaining teeth. Getting to the office was more stress than any thing else! We are definitely no longer used to rush hour traffic--especially when you add in all of the construction that is being so desperately being done before snowfall. I was a little "fuzzy brained" for a couple of hours afterward, and had a nap later in the day (emotional exhaustion??) Wow! This is the way to go! But at $400 a pop for the anesthetic, not something to be done often. I'll probably need to do it again when I have the permanent crown made, as I do remember hearing him tell the assistant to use permanent adhesive for the temporary crown. I wonder if that was really necessary, but I had told him that it would have to stay on until at least January--and probably longer.

Did I ever give you the update on our tires? We have been told that they are fine and there is no worry. Beth, you did a terrible, terrible thing when you turned us onto sour cream and green onion potato chips. All this talk about preserving food has been a bad influence as well. Yesterday in the store we found all sorts of fruit, at a price too good to ignore. So we bought the fruit and then had to buy all the other stuff you need to process it into things like banana bread and apple pies, for the freezer. Guess I know what I'm doing today.

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