Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bad weather all around

I came home from work at lunch today. I have 9 days holidays left and I figured that this was a good day to use a couple of hours and come home. I don't think I got over 50kph all the way. I couldn't find the road and just sort of trusted I was okay. By the time I reached our road I was so glad to be close to home. I sort of eyeballed the hydro poles and tried to judge from them. I'd think I was doing good and then I would realize that I was right on the left hand edge of the road. I phoned back to the office when I got in and told them that I might not be in tomorrow until we could get out of the yard. To top it all off, Jim tried to blow some snow to keep ahead of the downfall and the blower won't work. They've closed all the highways around Neepawa except #5 south (the road to our place) If it is still open I can't imagine what the other roads were like. Elizabeth left around noon, but phoned to say she was home but her car didn't make it. She thought she was on the road but ended up in the ditch. And she has 4 wheel drive. Debbie didn't head home when Elizabeth did, because she didn't think she could spare the holiday time. Now she is stuck in town overnight. And the temperature has climbed. The snow is melting and then freezing. Not a good mixture. Other than that nothing is new. I went for more blood tests on Monday and now my arm is deep purple where they took the blood. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. I still haven't won the lottery so I guess I have to keep working a while longer. There is alway tonight, though! Since Christmas is only 1 1/2 weeks away, I guess I should do some planning soon. I am such a procrastinator!! I am making some nuts n' bolts right now, but I can never compete with Kris. He makes such good ones. But it isn't Christmas without them. ( and rice krispie cake with red and green cherries in it!!) I'm not sure what to do with all this extra free time! Bonus! I better stir the nuts n' bolts. Love Ya

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