Friday, January 28, 2011

Best laid plans etc.

Got up and dressed and out to the car, to head for a major grocery shopping. ( all of the above represent a major challenge in my life right now) Snow and more snow. Covering the car as fast as David can brush it off. He put it in gear and backed into a huge snowpile on the neighbours lawn. Whoops! I got out and David had to climb over the consol to the passenger side. I came in and made a cup of coffee, while he got the snowblower out and freed up the car. Decided to stay home for while, to see if the snow lessens. Sat down with my coffee and the power went out. It came back on after 1/2 hour, but we still aren't planning to go out until he can get the driveway clear. And it snows, and snows, and snows.

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