Saturday, July 2, 2011


We've now had the A-C on for three days.  It doesn't run at night, and is only on periodically during the day, but I don't know how old the thing is, and thank Goodness that it keeps running.  Only two of my friends showed up yesterday for a stitching day.  They both brought a sandwich and I had a veggie tray and a carrot cake for them.  Later in the afternoon I managed to spill a glass of iced tea all over the work table.  But I spent most of the day fetching and carrying for Dianne.  She stabbed herself in the hand last week and jumped when she did it, wrenching a muscle in her hip/back, so has been walking with a cane.  The other night she got up and tripped over her cane, breaking a toe.  I was quite worried about her making it down the stairs, but she did.  She had two of the cutest little dolls with her.  They belonged to a client who had wanted some repairs done on them.  I took a good look at them thinking of maybe trying to take a pattern, but she told me they were selling for $35 on the internet and looked like they would require about 35 hours of work, so I didn't bother.

Sorry, but we did nothing to celebrate Canada Day.  I thought of the fireworks at the Forks, but after spending Thursday cleaning up for Friday, and then spending Friday running around downstairs, we were both tired, and were in bed early. But the end result is that I have a tidy house, food prepared for the day ( since there were only 3 of us yesterday, there are leftovers), few preparations for tomorrow, and I can do as I wish for  today.  Mind you, the studio is a shambles, and will take a few minutes to tidy again.  There is so much "stuff" in it that I have to be especially vigilent in keeping everything in its place, or the result is chaos.  The secondary advantage is that it is nice and cool downstairs.

Thursday we found the discount plant sale had reduced all the left overs to $0.99, so I bought 10 geraniums.  We left them out Thursday night , under the protection of the picnic table, expecting rain ( disappointment!) and David planted them yesterday morning in a little border for the front garden, where we had to take out a bush.  I believe they are all red, so this will add a necessary bit of colour to the yard.  They are in front of high ferns, so the colour should stand out nicely, and we know they will bloom for most of the summer ( if I remember to "deadhead" them)

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