Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The fun just keeps coming.....

Harry fell down the front stairs this morning on our way out to go to North Bay, so the trip quickly changed direction south to Huntsville Hospital where he was tended to - dislocated right shoulder was manipulated back into place under anaesthesia (Versed injection) – a blessing no fractures but severe pain and discomfort and a sling to be worn. He is in bed now as we just got back and I fed him and got him settled. I'll go up later to Pharmacy to pick up his pain medications prescribed. I mentioned to you that the stairs and walkways were treacherous in spite of my digging at them, and sanding them etc. I take extreme caution when walking outside, but this morning, in a flash, he was down. A little set back, but I hope he will mend OK as long as he takes it easy, and keeps his shoulder immobilized for a few days as told to do. Anyway, life will go on, and with a few additional chores added to my list for now ( ie greenhouse) I'm sure we'll back to normal soon. Take care all – watch that ice and snow!!

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