Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our umbrella tree is amazing also this year

I don't really know the name of this tree - I looked it up one year but forget now. It has huge leaves and the most gorgeous clustered flowers that each have look of an orchid.- hard to describe. We have had it since we planted it when moved in (over 30 years) We were tempted to cut it down several times but it has never looked so good as this year. Loaded with clusters of flowers and leaves huge and covering the whole tree. I wonder if this tree has a long life and takes this  long to mature before it produces flowers and foliage so beautifully. Harry took a picture this year and if I can I will send it another time?
Yesterday afternoon we attended a Funeral in Sprucedale. A friend and cousin of Harry's Mother (Gladys Niemi)- lived down the street from Mothers house and always called Mom to see how she was doing. She was almost 94 years and just fine until a fall a few weeks ago and then deteriorated quickly. Happy that we went as through the Eulogy  "Julia Pearce" was mentioned twice in parts of the story of the deceased. Apparently Harry's sister did not know about the death so was sorry not to attend. She is usually right on top of such things so Harry did not write to tell her before hand. They still email each other on occasion but we don't socialize with them at all. On way home we decided to get a take out pizza so got one in the next town South River and brought it home to eat.for a quick supper. I object to paying so much money on "take out" but I guess on occasion you have to give in. There is a pizza take out in Sundridge but I refuse to order from them - same restaurant where I got raw fish served to me , and we once got a pizza there that was gooey on bottom. Not what I want!!
I offered to sew a tee shirt up for Mike -the seams were ripping. So the other day I took time to clear away my machine and get it set up with the right foot, and settings to make a special "sew and overcast stitch". I never tried it before (really never tried too many of the special stitches available) It worked out great - I little fussy sewing required but I took my time and all was fine. I have left the machine in place and set up as it inspired me to try to sew a little bit frequently.  Looking through that new book I bought last weekend has re enthused my desire to keep doing little things. I have several projects done as far as I can (without space to put together the front with backing and padding) Here's hoping.....
So much rain in last few days especially yesterday and overnight. North Bay got the worst of it - torrential and flooding conditions   Of course you said it was coming, as I always know just from listening to your weather condition and reading the Free Press everyday. I like to read about the local issues there - read about the renovations at Polo Park. Do you shop there much?
Time for my day to start.  Take care all.......

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