Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Did someone mention chocolate chip cookies?

Shame on you to get me all excited....so I just had to make a batch. I'm still in process of testing them - the first six seem to taste OK!!  And since I had a bag of Oatmeal Cookie Mix from the Village Bin store here in town, I made them up as well with added raisins. I'm all set. Earlier I made a batch of crabapple jelly - it was an easy task as I used the juice from two jars we made the other day that did not seal. We went this morning to the park in South River to check for chokecherries - but alas, someone had beat us to it and the trees had been stripped. (what a shame !) There was an artist from southern Ontario set up doing sketches and preparing oil paints to put sketch to canvas. Very interesting to see and to have a fairly long conversation with him. Never know when an adventure will present itself?  Well, more work to do so better go and test a few more cookies before I get at it  haha   Take care

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