Thursday, June 2, 2016

"Joy Cometh in the Morning"

This morning David just had to cut the grass.  It was getting quite out of control, with  all this rain.  When he came in, he had a gift for me--two stems of Lily-of-the-Valley flowers.  He found a small clump growing under the Mock Orange bush in the corner of the garden.  We had no idea they were there, but have decided to leave them alone, in hopes that they will "be fruitful and multiply".  The rhubarb along the fence is also growing nicely, but is still "spindly" so we will leave that for another year before picking.  We made two more batches of Rhubarb and Pineapple jam this week, and don't need any more.  Rather we are saving the jars in hopes of a good crop of Nanking Cherries.  Otherwise we have 6 dozen jam jars to offer at the garage sale.

We were out and got a "float" for Saturday.  Thank Goodness our bank doesn't charge us old folks for this type of service.  Tomorrow it's out to Lorette to do some basic set-up, and then the big day.

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