Saturday, August 27, 2016


When Jim was ordering meat last week he asked about a cheap steak that could be used as stewing beef.... Al said he had the perfect thing.  Well,  we got a 15 pound hunk of meat.  10 1/2 pounds of stewing beef and a 2 pound pot roast and trim for the dogs. ( the cat was in the kitchen as we cut it up, so he got quite a bit of the meat off the trim)  I make freeser stew packages so I will just throw the frosen meat into the bags to toss into the crock pot later, but it takes a long time to cut up that much meat into 1 inch cubes!  I am on holidays for a week..  I had wonderful intentions but after doing the laundry and cutting up the meat I sat and read.  maybe tomorrow I will work at cleaning (not). Keri is coming for supper tomorrow.  She has to work, but will make it by 5 pm.  At least that way I know she is getting a good meal at least once a week.  She is a good cook and makes regular meals, but when she is busy she tends to just munch so since I know how busy she is this week  I can give her one meal. I will have to stop at the office on Monday since our boss was gone for 2 weeks, but I will only be touching base on some of the "crap" we got in.  You would trust that lawyers would do a good job but forget that illusion.  One whole week to clean house.  I think I need at least  a month steady.  Oh well

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