Thursday, February 23, 2017

Mild conditions

Fog shrouded morning with drizzle and can you believe it - thunder!  The dog reacts to storms and of course needs "attention" now with the thunder hovering all around. If the rain comes, my concern is more water leaking into the house - yesterday was a day of chipping ice from roof and making tunnels for the melting snow to flow into the eaves and not into the ceiling at the front door.  I have buckets in place and a very watchful eye everywhere - I feel like I'm "on patrol" constantly. And you wonder why I have the feelings I do about this place??
To day is my "clear fluids day" and I expect, many trips to the you know what!!  I shall stay put at home and thank goodness have my Library books which I picked up yesterday to keep me company.  I wanted to have my usual toasted bagel with my coffee this morning but will have to remember - no food!  What a shame.
So I shall write this message quickly, and sign off - not likely to write again until the weekend. Wish me luck...take care XX

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