Friday, April 7, 2017


The head librarian at our branch has taught both David and I how to reserve books via the internet.  Big mistake!!  We were at the library yesterday to pick up three books and then got notification this morning that there were 10 more waiting.  OMG!  Well off we went and, low and behold, more had come in and David lugged a bag containing 14 books out to the car.  Than Goodness they are not New Releases that have to be returned in one week, but rather regular books with a three week deadline, and the ability to renew as necessary.  Only five of the 17 books are mine, so David has some reading to do.  I have pretty well been served notice that I'm on my own for household activities for awhile.

But we did get busy this morning re-organizing the downstairs studio.  We removed one shelf from one of the heavy duty shelving units.  This involved taking everything off, unscrewing it from the wall, moving it out into a work area, and cleaning up underneath, where there has been no cleaning done in about 15 years.  Once the shelf was removed, I washed it down and back it went, to be screwed into the wall again, and shims adjusted.  Then we found every bolt of fabric in the house, including some that were brought from our previous house, and putting them on an empty shelf, on end.  A huge improvement.  Now I can see the stuff, an important thing for someone like me who functions on an "out of sight, out of mind" level.  We even found two bolts, in the wardrobe in the store room, that I think came from the house on McMeans. When did we move out of there?  Was it 1987?  

This was a huge job, but could it be considered part of routine household management?  Probably not.  However, we did get some laundry done, even if we need to consider that routine, repetitive work,and not really part of overall management.

I ran into an expression I had never heard before in one of the books I'm reading.  A very nasty lady has died, and the comment was " Thank God and Greyhound, she's gone!"  Love it!

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