Saturday, July 8, 2017

Update by way of a rant??

Saturday at noon here with a little venting....Last night the power went off at 8:15 pm and was out all night not coming back until 9 am this morning. Thunderstorms rattled through most of night although very little in the way of rain produced for all that light and noise. The dog reacted of course and even going out in the pitch dark three or four times she had to be right at my side all night shivering with storm fright. Poor thing - she cannot help it.
This morning dawned bright and sunny  - but NO power meant NO coffee!  And then I tried to access Internet and it was down. Of course I had to go through the usual procedures here at home to make sure it was not our issue alone, and then when I phoned the server was told they were having "issues and the technicians are working on it" I have finally just logged on now so feel so compelled to write a few words.
I have spoken with the Holland next door neighbours already over the fence- they are here until Aug 17. They are planning a driving trip to Winnipeg with the neighbours across the street (her sister Ruth) Wouldn't I just love to stow away in the trunk or....maybe a pair of roller skates and a rope tied to the fender!
Anyway I must get back outside - so much on the go all at once. I plan to BBQ some pork chops - gradually I am using up the great quantity we bought on sale. 
Hope your day goes smoothly and thanks for your ears. I feel so much better having shared my woes with you folks haha!  ps I have had my coffee and all is well!

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