Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Good Snowy morning...

The snow plow just made its way down the street as I sit here with my early coffee.  The forecast snow came through over the evening and night and more expected throughout the day. In preparation I covered the roof of the big greenhouse with two blankets - this way the snow will not melt and leak into the greenhouse and I may be able to just pull them off with snow and all? Hope anyway. The roof integrity is very poor and so one must take care to prevent a worse scenario ie total collapse.  Wonder when this bizarre weather will ever end?
Harry covered the keyboard keys with little coloured letters that we bought at the Dollar Tree yesterday. Weird feeling as they are sort of cushioned in texture. Not sure I like it but then this is what I have to work with haha!
I have started to do some shredding of papers stored for years in bags and boxes. It is time to get rid of some of this unnecessary accumulation! I know you have to keep Income Taxes for 7 years, is it? so I feel safe in shredding that which dates earlier. I am struggling with other stored items such as all my French notes and books from the classes I took and had to quit, and also many of my flying papers and equipment which I know I will never use again. It is tough to find all this which brings so many memories and possibly a few regrets with them. One must do what one must do!
Well, on with the day. I am making a toasted tomato sandwich to get rid of some less than fresh tomatoes haha!  Take care.

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