Saturday, November 3, 2018

not a great day

Yesterday, I decided that I couldn't live with the threads caught up in the wheels if the office chair I use in the studio.  This means that each of the five wheels has to be taken apart, and cleaned using tools such as screw divers, small scissors, large scissors, and seam rippers.  It is a filthy job, and one to be avoided for as long as possible.  But it got done.  To rewards ourselves, we went out for supper.  I bought a Denver sandwich.  It was not great, as the bread seemed stale, and I didn't enjoy it at all.  Didn't finish it, either.  But I ate enough that I think I was visited by a touch of food poisoning during the night.  I say that based on the symptoms David had when he had food poisoning, and ended up in Emergency.  I feel that I can compare the bowel cramps to childbirth. Didn't get much sleep, and have stayed close to the bathroom all day.  I wouldn't be surprised if David didn't have a few of the same symptoms.

So, I puttered a bit in the studio today.  Didn't accomplish much though.  There doesn't appear to be anything I want to watch on tv this evening, so playing poker may be my only choice, other than reading.  I am just starting the book "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning" by Margareta Magnusson.    We'll see how that goes.  I also borrowed the book "I'm Your Man', a biography of Leonard Cohen.  It's about 2 inches thick.  Not sure how far I'll get.   It was recommended as being the closest to fact, from among the various biographies written. While  we were at the library, we also picked up the latest Stone Barrington book, "Shoot First".  David is reading it now, and then I'll take a turn, as it's a new (?) book and only on loan for 7 days.

So that'll give me something to do, if all else fails.

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