Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thanksgiving dinner

finally happened yesterday.  Kris, Sandi & Chloe made it here for supper finally.  Rrain was at a conference in Gimli and couldn't come.  I picked up a few things for Chloe to play with, even though she always brings her own stuff.   It seems the Slime was very popular. It "farts" when you put it back in the jar.  And it went back in the jar a number of times 😛

We also coloured multiple pictures.  Daddy had to colour too so we had contests to see who was the best colourer.  I think Chloe did better than Daddy!  We also had 2 meltdowns, but they didn't last too long.  I think going for about a 2 mile walk might have tired everyone out. Except Chace and Grampa Jim.  They were smart enough to stay home and watch curling. I now, once again, have a lot of leftover turkey.  I think this time I will go for turkey pot pies instead of soup.  Tomorrow we get our flu shots and prepare for another long winter. It isn't in the forecast but we are having light snow right now. It was bound to happen and at least it is very light and not like last time. Jim has had his hearing aids for a couple of weeks now and is liking them.  Veteran's affairs covered the whole cost including batteries and replacements every 4 years.  We had saved some money for the hearing aids so we are talking about fixing up the bathroom.  We need the plumbing repaired and are discussing the possibility of a new bathtub.  Sandi and Jim discussed the options for quite a while.  Chloe and I coloured and played with slime. I tried to download pictures from my phone to the computer but it seems the last time my phone updated it activated "the cloud" and all my picures since last Easter are on the cloud instead of my phone and I don't know how to get them loaded to my computer.  Time for the geek squad.  |

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