Sunday, February 16, 2020

Out of sorts

What in interesting description that is.  Suits me to a "T" the last few days.  Today may be a little better, and maybe I'm coming out of it.  I didn't make it to the library, and now have just one book to read until I can get there sometime Tuesday afternoon.  But, it's another British Police procedural and they are always slow going.

Beth, how's little Bailey doing?  Now that we've met him, via the internet, he's part of the family and of a concern to all of us.  We get so attached to these precious little creatures.  Our interest is the rabbits. David says that he has seen four at one time, but I've never seen more than two.  They are so territorial about a food source, something I never thought about with rabbits.  I know the neighbour will be trapping them again this summer, but I accept that as part of life in the city.

A power failure during the night.  We have no idea how long it was out, but it was awhile.  Of course, the first concern is the heat, which did get down a bit before it came on again.  Thank Goodness for the duvets.  I got up and turned off the computers. I thought I had heard that they came now with a degree of surge protection, but I'm not sure enough to neglect them.

Yesterday my friend Gail picked me up and we went to the bead store at Gertrude and Osborne that she likes. As well as beads it sells a bit of mysticism.  Cloth and clothing with East Indian designs, and Buddhas, some almost 4 ft high and costing thousands. Then there are the crystals, and semiprecious rocks, as well as incense.  Totally weird.

We plan to make some Boho Beads.  My friend Geesje has a fairly short video showing how it's done, here 

I am also wondering if this might be a short workshop I could teach in conjunction with my gallery show in May.

The cold continues but not the severe wind chills that we had earlier in the week.  I'm still wearing my fake fur coat, that I thought would only be good for a couple of months.  Maybe it'll last all winter,  But we're at mid-Fbruary Spring is coming, we just don't quite know when.   So w hunker down and endure.  After all we grew up in Winnipeg.

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