Monday, April 13, 2020

A "Do Nothing" day

And that just about describes it.  My main accomplishment, other than a batch of Mom's Raisin cookies, was the change the bedding to "Summer" quilts. While looking at things on the upper shelf in the closet, I found a quilt that I had almost forgotten about--one that has never before been used on a bed.  The colours just about match the new sheets we got over the winter.  The deal is that the white/blue summer weight quilt goes on, followed by one of the hand made colourful quilts for spring and fall.

This was the result of a "Mystery Quilt" fundraiser that the local Guild had 20-30 years ago.  One member designed the pattern, and donated it, and then everyone bought the instructions for one square or border every month. No-one knew how the piece was going to turn out, so we were working blind.  In this case we were also told to change it any way we wanted: that the pattern was just a suggestion. So every quilt turned out differently.  I was very pleased with mine, and even paid to have it machine quilted in what would now be described as "custom" quilting.  Even then that wasn't cheap.  It's really too small for the bed, but I used it last night and it worked just fine.

Amber came for her masks yesterday, and it appeared the whole family was in the car.  I had put a bag of Raisin Cookies in the bag holding the masks, and just hung it on the door knob outside.  so she just grabbed it and ran.  Later I got an  e-Mil thanking me for the masks and cookies but telling me that she thought Darren had eaten them as the girls claimed not to have had any.  That recipe makes big cookies, and I had given them a dozen. Oh well, I tried.

Over the weekend, we watched a lot of tv, yesterday in particular.  It was a "Dolly Parton Day" on A&E.  There were a couple of her lesser-known movies in the afternoon, and then a special celebrating her 50 Years on Grand Ole' Opr'y, followed by a 2 hour biography-first time shown. This was quite interesting, as went into quite a bit of depth, and discussed her impact on the feminist movement, interviewing people like Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, both of whom have been active in feminist circles then, and are somewhat prominent right now, as they have a hit show on an alternative network. That was then followed by 2 hours of Willie Nelson, Family and Friends concert.  I checked out half way through the Willie Nelson piece.  I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

But this all means that other than making the cookies, we spent most of the day sitting and, on my part, eating the cookies. Even my vision of a more formal Easter Sunday dinner were trumped by  the tv shows, and dinner turned out to be roast chicken--fend for yourself.

So today will be spent in the basement, away from food.  After I help David clean-up the kitchen.  Better get to it, as he's almost finished.

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