Sunday, June 12, 2011

settling down

Bought a pair of reading glasses and can now cope with the desk top computer and reading a book.  However, if I  look up from either, while wearing them, the world starts to spin. The lap top is still a problem. I'm thinking of getting a pair of half glasses to try when I'm sewing.

Amaretto sounds good to me, but we've got some nice Pinot Blanc to get rid of.  Eating out IS a treat, anytime you can get it.  We're having to forego our breakfasts at Timmie's since the prices went up.  The cheapest thing I can get is oatmeal and I have to take my own fruit! Even so, what used to be $5 is now closer to $10, so coffee it is, these days.

Went to Gillian's dance recital tonight at Pantages Theatre--a really beautiful place.  She is doing well and has now passed enough exams to be allowed to start studying en pointe next fall--provided her physician approves.  She also auditioned for a jazz competition/performing group and was accepted.  This means seven classes a week come September.  With all of the larger and heavier women in our family it's hard to think of a tiny ballerina, but she looks really good on stage.

Jeremy went into a Tai Kwando competition and earned a silver medal, so he must be doing well with that.  And we found out that the neighbours from along the street have been sneaking through the driveway next door to look at David's Lady Slippers.  It's really one of the best displays we've ever had, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable knowing that a lot of people know that they're there.

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