Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Slow progress

Today I did the medicine cabinet and cupboard under the bathroom sink.  Doesn't sound like much, does it?  But it still took around two hours.  There was a whole wastepaper basket full of "stuff" to be thrown away, as well as the "potty" and toddler toilet seat.  Those have been around for awhile, probably since we moved in, as I remember getting them for Loren's children when they were quite small, and Jeremy is now 14.  These are "piddly-ass" jobs, and take time.  It would be so much easier to just wash the floor and move on, but that's all I've been able to do for a couple of years now.

While doing the cleaning,  we are making a list of handyman chores that need doing, and adding whatever supplies we will need to our shopping list.  I saw a tv show where they were saying that this type of chore will seem overwhelming when you look at how much has to be done overall, but doing one thing every once in awhile ( or every day) the jobs get whittled down, and you hve a sense of accomplishmnet.

Realized yesterday that my driver's license and AutoPac are due in a week or so.  With no mail there have been no reminders.  I sure hope I have all of the other bills written down somewhere.

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