Thursday, September 6, 2012

Crazy storm during night

Brilliant lightening lit up the sky for a few hours with very close and very loud thunder bangs and lots of rain - kept me up during night to watch the water and run the pump and generally sit in amazement watching the storm move all around us. This was apparently the "remnants" of Hurricane Issac but it sure hit here quite hard during the night. I would hate to be in the direct path of those hurricanes that are hitting the USA south - it must be terrifying to witness and endure.
Spent the day doing garden produce again - more tomato juice (which I love), and pickles and even made a salad for supper with nasturium leaves from the garden. You can apparently also eat the flowers but haven't tried that yet. Had more ribs smoked on the smoker - went to the local grocery store early as they were having a one day only Thurday sale and we bought some Hallowe'en candy ( chocolate bars) and Kraft Dinner in the case for about half usual price - Mike will enjoy this. Also ribs on sale so made more smoked ribs for supper. Actually quite delicious. I walked up to the post office this afternoon to check the mail - I want to continue being active with exercise so take every opportunity to walk - I wish I could ride my bike more, but that never happens much. I forgot to buy a lottery ticket for last night so I had absolutely no fun in winning the big one- no hope at all. I must remember to buy a Lotto Max for Friday so I can have a reason to anticipate the winnings. Finished the Clive Cussler novel I was reading ( Night Probe) so now can get into the Library book I picked up the other day. I so look forward to the evening hours so that I can settle down, and read and prepare for bed without too many expectations to do "this and that" which is the usual day time event. I always look forward to reading all about your activities and adventures so be sure to keep writing, OK? Take care

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