Friday, September 14, 2012

No joyful news today

**CAUTION**   if you are looking for sweetness and light--don't read this!  If you are okay with a bit of black humour, carry on

The computers went skunky again last night, with things disappearing and problems with both saving photos and the blog. Heated discussion and almost tears.  This morning I was having a stupid day, and I am wondering if it is a yet undiscovered food allergy.  I was fine until I ate breakfast, and the new kind of bread we bought yesterday seemed to bother me before I could even finish eating it.  Anyway, we decided to find out if it would work better to put the Geek Squad on a retainer, or just have someone come out, yet again, to sort us out.  We talked to the woman who sorted us out last time and she suggested that the retainer was the way to go.  All of our problems appear to be just adjustments and customization, after the big clean out last month, and the retainer is good for a year's service and support.

All of the computers in the computer store were down, so we couldn't pay there.  ( Say what!!?) This left my little credit card, the one with the very low credit limit.  We had been told that we could call the help line and they would take a payment, and sign us up over the internet.  But the little credit card didn't have quite enough room on it for the purchase. So off to the Credit union where I transferred money from tax free savings to the little credit card.  ( And what a rigamarole that it was!)  As I was leaving, asked how soon it would be applied to the card.  " Oh, a few days, and since it's a Friday, maybe by the middle of next week". 

By this time I'm in rough shape.  It was almost as though every bit of confusion or noise, just made me more and more stupid. So we went grocery shopping, because there was a one day sale and who would want to miss that?  We paid, and then discovered that I had bought the wrong hamburger for the extra bonus points--another reason we had to shop today.  There was a woman and noisy crying child, and all sorts of the busy confusion you find at the check out on sale day, and when David asked me what I wanted to do,  I could just stare at him and wasn't able to respond.  So he took over and sorted us out, and got us home.

He called the computer store and confirmed that their computers were working, so he headed back to go back to buy our service contract, and I headed downstairs to change the wash.  Dryer wouldn't work.  Dead as a doornail.  I have been aware of it's potential demise for awhile, and managed to call David back.  He couldn't get it to work either, so added "buy dryer" to his list of stops to make.

We can get one fairly inexpensively, but have to arrange our own pick up.  Delivery wouldn't be for 6-8 days, or we could pay $100 extra to have it delivered sooner.  So David is trying to find someone with a truck who would help us with pick up ( for a price of less than $100), but in the meantime, has jerry rigged a closeline in the yard to dry the bedding that we need for tonight.  ( And isn't THAT a fine sight for the neighbours?!  But I'm sure we'll all have a bit of a giggle about it tomorrow)

Having some quiet time alone at home, with reduced visual stimulation, helped get rid of my "stupid", making me think even more that it was some sort of allergic reaction.  So it is now 3:30  in the afternoon.  My bedding is drying outside, under David's watchful eye.  I used my quiet time to clean the kitchen and prepare supper, using food we bought today. I'm just grateful that it's over, and that I have a bottle of brandy in the cupboard.  And how was your day?

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