Tuesday, December 23, 2014

And so it now rains.....

.....and not really what I had hoped for or planned for today either Pati!!  I will likely have to be pumping water before too long and I hid the pump under the stairs thinking I wouldn't need it again this winter - silly me!
I appreciate your valid concerns about your machine. Your machines are an extension of yourself. And I so love seeing the pictures and reading the descriptions as you proceed with each step of your pieces.  And here I am with a very good Husqvarna and do not use it - I know where it is under all the stuff, but cannot really get at it right now, thank you very much!  One day though.....
I have been busy making up recipes that Harry is pulling off the computer. Today it was two "snacks" - one sweet and one savoury but both with similar ingredients ie corn and rice cereals etc.   Since I like the old standard Nuts and Bolts (which I cannot make to perfection at all), it's no wonder the savoury one appeals to me. The other is gooey and sweet with corn syrup. But Harry likes it haha
We bought our Christmas Dinner at M&M Store. We will be having Beef Wellingtons. Never had this before and they come all ready in a nice cellophane package. Great... no fuss cooking!  Thank goodness I also bought a bottle of wine!
So here's greetings to you all for a happy Christmas Eve, and wonderful Christmas Day with family.
I shall be toasting to you all at 7 pm (my time) on Christmas Day and be thinking about everyone doing the same - this is so exciting for me!  I shall look forward to seeing whatever pictures you can send my way.
Take care.

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