Wednesday, December 23, 2015


You just might appreciate the blanket during your travels, even if you have to carry around in a shopping bag.  Do you have some sort of covering that you wouldn't care if you lost during your travels?  Buses are drafty, and it could make the difference between sleeping and not sleeping.

We were able to get out for gas for the snow blower today, and a few groceries.  We've had a lot of snow in the past three days, and it still hasn't stopped falling.  David had to get out and blow part of the front street, so we could get out today.  I know the city will clear it sooner of later, but the street has narrowed by at least six feet, and there is a twit who parks her car right in front of the driveway, every single night, (yes, she has had tickets--doesn't help)  and personnel from the church usually park there during the day.  We were barely back home today, when she was back and parked right in the middle of the area David had blown out.  But we did buy a package of almond tarts for me and a "mickey" of Crown Royal for David, so we are set for today and tomorrow.

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