Monday, December 21, 2015


I just realized that I will be one sleep ahead of you folks. My number 7 sleep will be on the bus, and you and I know that won't really count as much of a sleep. So lets renumber OK:
 You : 7, Me : 6  Sounds much better from my perspective.
As for your hair Cathy, everyone is going to notice I'm sure. Perhaps comb it a little to the side ??  haha
I had my suitcases out again today, and managed to get a few things organized. Getting a step closer anyway. And I decided to "practice" today. Long ago Harry bought me a box of wine and it has been sitting unopened in the corner - today I broke it open and had a glass. I even sat outside in the situpon and had a few sips thinking about the trip.  
It is raining right now - what ever is going on with this weather? I may have to shovel water before the nights over. The next few days calls for the same mild and wet weather as well.  I guess it really will be a green Christmas.
Time for bed....Take care

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