Friday, April 22, 2016

Finale for this week.....

So you both survived my week of frivolity - it was fun for me.

Hope is not a feeling of certainty that everything ends well.
Hope is just a feeling that life and work have a meaning.

And I suppose you wonder why I persist with these idiotic sayings all the time? I read from my perpetual daily calendars every morning, and with some of my favourites I may often repeat them to myself throughout the day, for example:

As long as you can carry on one more moment, you'll never be defeated.

It all helps with one's well being, and helps to have a purpose whatever it may be - we all have our own reasons, but most important, we all have each other. 
So it's back to the usual day to day messages for now. But here's one last saying - I actually think I sent it once before but its message is still so poignant:

If you can't get through the mountain, go around it.
If you can't go around it, go over it.
If you can't go over it, sit down and ask yourself if getting to the              other side is all that important.
If it is, set about digging a tunnel.

Take care and have a great weekend - will be thinking about you Pati at the Show.  Looking for a summary come Monday from you?  What are you doing Cathy?

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