Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Okay for the moment

We fired up the old computer from the basement, and I'm playing around to find out what I can and can't do with it.  it looks like e-mail isn't available, despite my efforts,but, with a little luck I got on here. For some reason I had my very old Google password in my Rolodex, for some reason, and it worked.

This has been a frustrating day, and I've tried to deal with it by giving myself a break from the "work" in the studio, and doing something silly, just for myself.  I've been working on a silly little accordion pouch I found in The Quilt Show daily blog this morning. It's probably totally useless, but so-o-o-o cute!

It even sits open on a surface for use.

The more concerning thing about the day was how poorly I reacted to the many frustrations. When I was working, I trained myself to react calmly to any situation, to the point that some people thought I had to emotions.  Well, I no longer seem to have that degree of control, and, unfortunately, poor David bears the brunt of my "hysterics".  While it may be healthier to express my frustrations, I get embarrassed, especially when he seems to take it in stride.  Maybe, I just need to have a liquid "indulgence" tonight.

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