Monday, June 24, 2019

Spinning around like a top

That's what I feel like I'm doing, I have so many things on the go. My internet class continues with only two classes to go.  I'm aware of many of the techniques, but this gives me a chance to actually try them. Here are a couple of pictures. This first one is from my second class.  I was to cut without a ruler, and then just "wing" it.  I'm not happy with this, have no idea what I might do with it, and will delete the picture asap.

The next one is from class 3.  We were to be inspired by and traditional design, and were to incorporate some pieced sections and some striped fabric.  Unfortunately, when I bought fabric, I bought a striped fabric that isn't quite right, but still works well, in terms of colour.

Here is a close-up   where you can see both the striped and pieced fabric a little better.

A big chore today was to clean out the wheels of my sewing chair.  Bits of thread etc get caught up in them to the point where they refuse to roll.  I try not to let it get that far, but you can see from the debris on the table how much dirt comes off them. All five of the wheels have to be removed and disassembled to clean them. Most of the thread, and there's a lot,  goes straight into the garbage, where the dirt went right after I took the picture. David is trying to put one of the wheels back on in this picture.

Otherwise, I have a hand beaded piece on the go and should finish it this week.  No picture.  I had spoken about boiling leaves in  my canner with vinegar and rusty objects.  The leaves are placed between pages of water colour paper and then clamped into a very tight bundle.  Here are some of the results.  You can see where I tried to augment one with a water colour pencil.  Did not work well.  I'm pleased with the result, and have made this  month's ATC's with some.

I've started to alter a book, and at the same time, am preparing pages in my sketch books for colour to be added.  This isn't anywhere near to the point where I can take a meaningful picture.

David continues to putter in the garden, although his puttering is much more demanding than mine.  Today I sat outside for awhile watching him.  Lazy summer days, I guess.  Nice weather, although we were supposed to have a thunderstorm this evening.   A bit of thunder, but no rain. However, there was a report of a tornado seen outside Lorette this morning.  That's scary!  Good to see you back on the blog, Cathy.  Don't get impatient, I expect that progress will be slow, and there is no point in pushing it.

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