Friday, July 6, 2018

a little catch-up

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful.  The nicest summer day we've had this year.  We spent a good portion of the day sitting outside and reading, or eating meals.  The other thing we did (there's that "Royal we" again) was cut up a huge branch that fell from our tree with the nasty storm that went through here the other night.  This is the largest branch that has ever come down.  this sort of thing is one of the hazards of living under an American Elm, but we treasure that tree, and sometimes, jokingly say that we "bought a tree, and it came with a house".  I hope you can see it in the picture.  David ended up using his Skill saw on the larger portions of it.

Today is almost as nice, but is quite windy, and we ended up moving back into the house.

Cathy, thinking of you flying out to BC, brought back the memory of when we picked you and Jim up at the airport in Victoria.  ( I guess the airport is actually in Sidney)  Then we had to get you onto the Mill Bay ferry for your trek North, when you went out for a family reunion.  How many years ago was that?  So nice when family stays close over the years, and over the miles.  Where do you fly into this time?  As we know, anticipation is a huge part of any trip like this, and you have two sisters anticipating along with you.

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