Monday, July 2, 2018

Not too much action around here.

Yesterday and today, we've spent time watching the Robins and Blue Jays duking it out over the cherries that we left in the bush.  There's always a bit of action in the yard.  The neighbours have the rabbit trap out again.  Can't say I blame them as they usually have a very nice vegetable garden, and spend a lot of time looking after it.

I did want my coffee today.  I'm trying to get back in my diet routine, starting with phase one, and that one cup of coffee per day is my incentive to stick to the straight and narrow.  David needed a loaf of bread, but I was very surprised that the grocery stores were closed today as they hadn't been closed yesterday.

Got a bit of work done in the studio, until David came looking for his power stapler.  He insisted that he'd left it in the studio, but neither of us could find it.  I even insisted that we search the garage.  No luck there.  Under the stairs? Same.  I gave up and came upstairs to make lunch, then heard a shout that he'd found it, and in the studio, as he'd said.  It had been on the top of the book case near my machine, but the top of that bookcase is recessed, so you can't really see anything up there.  I had forgotten about the possibility of something being there.

I'm hoping to get a bit more time in the studio after supper, but if not?  That's okay.  It's been a lazy day, and I've spent time outside reading.  Tomorrow is our yearly visit to the hearing aid store.  I know they're going to try to convince me to buy a second one, and I know I would benefit from it, but the cost is scary..  Even scarier is knowing that the one I'm using now has just about reached the end of it's expected life, and will need replacing soon.

As well tomorrow, I have a supper date with my friend Gail, and the other ladies who were involved at the craft sale we had at her house last December.  It'l be nice to get out with them.  One of the ladies has got an artist in residence opportunity in the Maritimes, so we are giving her a send off.

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