Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ah, cooler weather at last

Much better - can feel the breeze cooling down things now - house may need a good blow out but it is pleasant to be outside.
I planned two outings today 1) neighbour Ruth's 80th birthday and 2) visit to Daisy's.  I baked some cupcakes yesterday and iced them this morning - a tray to take to each outing. Headed over to Ruth's at about 930 and found her in her barn feeding her rabbits - surprise for Ruth "I didn't know you knew it was my Birthday" she said. At the same time another friend entered carrying a bouquet of flowers. This was the lady named Hilda who takes care of the rabbits when Ruth and Gerd are away except for that 10 days last Fall when I took over. So we all went inside where Gerd had the coffee on, and in between two telephone calls - one from her sister in Holland, and one from her sister in Elliot Lake, On we sat at the table and enjoyed conversation and a strawberry flange cake with whip cream. Ruth had made it yesterday hoping there would be guests to come. She was 'anticipating" right! How I enjoyed my time. It was good - short lived - but refreshing. This lady Hilda also has budgie birds and expressed an interest in acquiring two males if we would get rid of them. I said I would have to ask Harry which I did and did not get any answer really. Oh well.....
After lunch and some garden work, I then headed over to Daisy's about 1:30 pm - no one home! The neighbour who was outside in her garden told me they had gone to Daisy's cabin in the bush close to Aunt Evelyn's cottages on Eagle Lake. Oh! ....So I came back home with my cupcakes and probably will wait to call them until tomorrow and see how our signals got crossed and maybe arrange for another visit. Or maybe I should eat the cupcakes haha!
Since then I have done the watering outside, and sat on a chair under the umbrella with a cup of Honey Bush tea to enjoy, and now blogging before I get the birds to bed, and also myself.  Ain't life grand?
Right now though, I am thinking of Cathy and Jim travelling back home today after a wonderful vacation in BC. Probably anxious to get home and get some sleep? Lets hear all about it, eh?
Bye for now....

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