Saturday, January 12, 2019

Gosh, Windows 10

I didn't mean to make Windows 10 sound easy to get into, but once you get into it a bit, I think you'll like it.  I confess that I had help, in that we paid a Geek Squad guy to come out and set it up, but I think Keri helped you a bit with that. Our biggest issue was e-mail, and I ended up on line with Shaw server support more than once.  I don't know who your server is, but do they have any sort of server support?  Next was Word.  That I figured out myself, but it took a bit of experimenting.  I know one thing that our Guy told us was that you no longer have to close everything down to close up.  You just close the computer, and open it again later and sign in.  The problem comes when you keep signing into specific things over and over.  You have to close the actual programs down once in awhile, or you end up with a whole lot of variations of them.  This blog is one example.  If it isn't closed down and I go back to it, I get the version of it that was there before, with no updates, such as new entries.  David tends to get endless versions of Google, and I have to go in and close them all out, every once in awhile.  Please phone me if you think I can help, but your best resource will still be Keri, as she can be there to see your actual screen.

I think that Beth got a one year subscription to the Geek Squad  telephone support, and I've used that too, in the past.  A great resource and well worth the money.

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