Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday, you say? Where did the week go?

Well, I guess that when you spend most of your time in the basement, one becomes oblivious to the passage of time.  As well, we all know that time goes much more quickly in summer than in winter.

I have entered my red piece with the boxes into the All Members' show out in Selkirk, in September. Each show has an opening reception attached, to which every person in the show is expected to contribute food or drink. People have come to know and expect my Melting Moments, so I thought the event might be a good excuse to make the tarts and not have to eat them all myself.   Although, I'm sure I'll do my share to make sure they're eaten.  I confess that I hadn't considered  making them with lime juice, but there is lime juice in the fridge that needs using.

Yesterday, Gail took me to a new(er) bead store. It was on Gertrude just east of Osborne.  There was much more than beads there, but there were lots and lots of beads.  I even found the same type and brand  of  seed beads that I use, at a good price.  Both Gail and I have been a little concerned about the potential longevity of the bead store we have been patronizing for the past few years, so it's good to know there is an alternative.  I bought a couple of tubes of seed "pearls", but also found some larger, what I call, focal beads.  The sort you put just a few of in a piece to create focal points.  Gail and I have also been working on a barter of one of my pieces in exchange for a couple of pendants, and she had been looking for larger "pearls" for use in one of the pendants--and found them.

Now that my frenzy of studio work is over, and I've come up for air, I find that there is housework to keep me busy for a couple of days.  Funny how that happens.  But, having finally got a decent sleep the last couple of nights, I think I can deal with it.  Wednesday was a very "bad" day.  I was pretty well out of it most of the day.  Up and moving around, but not really that aware of what was happening.  I blame it on lack of sleep, but convinced  David to leave the a/c on over night for a couple of nights, and got caught up on sleep, to a certain extent.  So today will involve scrubbing, and vacuuming and maybe even a few dishes washed by hand.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful, which always makes anything physical less of an issue.

This evening my tv shows are on PBS, so I get to watch tv for 2 1/2 hours.  One show needs to be watched, not just listened to, while stitching.  That goes against the grain!

A-a-a-rgh!  David has just told me he's going out to cut grass.  Guess I'm  on my own with the housework.

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