Sunday, March 1, 2020


The mitts you bought are really very gorgeous - maybe too nice to wear? How do they look with your fur coat Pati?
What horrible cold temperatures these last few days and then tomorrow and for next few days it is to hover around freezing mark - no sense to it at all.  But today is the first day of March and that much closer to Spring. So we shall "March" on towards warmer days.....
Just an update to share briefly. Our dear Bailey has not been well and since mid last week has required us to seek emergency care - first during the night Thursday in North Bay, and then Friday at our Vets which required emergency Surgery and then yesterday, Sat,  requiring me to call back the vet for another assessment requiring him to open up the surgical wound again last evening. The issue seems to be bladder stones. We just picked him up at the Vets at 6;15 this morning after he spent the night there. The vet and his family had to leave early to get back to a commitment in Orillia this morning.  The Vet lives in Gravenhurst which is about 90 minutes south of here but he drove up at 5 pm yesterday with his wife and adult daughter They have a small apartment above the Clinic where they spent the night so he could do the surgery and monitor Bailey during the night. His daughter is his assistant and the wife helped as well. Bailey is now cuddled in with Harry. He has a urinary catheter in site to a drainage bag so there will be no need to take him outside and we are to monitor and have the catheter removed Mon or Tuesday at the clinic. Bailey already looked brighter when we took him from the cage, and lapped at his water dish when we got home so I am feeling much more confident in his continued progress. 
So my time lately has been with caring for Bailey and shall continue intensely over next few days for sure. Wish him well folks...he really is a dear companion for us. Take care

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