Monday, March 9, 2020

My Monday Morning

We bought our new alarm clocks.  I set them both up, and set the alarms to ring at 7:00am, as I had an 8:30 appointment at the hearing center very close to Ikea, just about to the other side of the city. David's went off, mine didn't.  Each one took about 30 minutes to set up, and I don't look forward to tackling it again.

Had a nice chat with the lady, and we decided that I would only buy one new hearing aid right now.  There is a new technology arriving next Monday.  She told me that this usually results in about a 2 year window to get a second hearing aid, with the matching technology should we find it necessary. Evidently, when there are two of them, they communicate with one another.  Sounds a little "Star war-ish" to me, but I don't know enough to have an opinion.  I spent some time chatting with the Audiologist, with her giving me lengthy explanations of various technologies.  I had a hard time following her, which I blame on a decreasing concentration span.  It may have been because of a short night, but I'm going to keep track of this, as it isn't the first time, I've realized that my mind wanders. Then it was off to Tim's where I had oatmeal, which was more or less according to Dr. Phil.

David has a follow-up appointment with the foot doctor, at 12:30, after his minor surgery last week, but I think he'll go on his own.  I actually have an idea for a new fibre art piece.  The book I read yesterday had a quote in it that really stuck in my mind. "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea" (Isak Dinesen).  I think a visual representation of tears is obvious enough, but I spent some time on the internet yesterday looking for a visual representation of hard work.  There is a beautiful Chinese symbol consisting of 2 characters, but that would probably be too obscure to put on a fibre piece, so I will have to work with one of the other less pleasing images.

Lately, I've been watching "The View".  The first half of the show is usually an interview with some person active in the American political scene. The style of the interview is very different than what you might see on a news show, and I find it very informative.  This is on CTV, and I think that's the network you get Beth?

Anyway, time to get moving, I guess.  David ate well at Tim's so won't be needing lunch before he heads out, but I haven't yet figured out what might be for supper.  And I do very much want to get down into the studio today.

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