Friday, March 20, 2020

TGIF anyone?

Let's have our own little TGIF get together....I'll pretend and you can pretend! I'll likely have a nice Earl Grey tea in the Duchess mug - what about you folks?
Shoveling water at the front of the house early this morning when i took Bailey out - could not manage to walk without getting my boots soaked so I carried him to a spot of snow to do his thing.  His "thing" is still minimal but a trip to the Vet yesterday gave him more fluids subq and I am to go again today so that we can get through the weekend. We figured that going for a week without the supplemental fluid infusions were not enough so will go 2X a week Tuesday and Friday?  Here's hoping something begins to happen and my little dog gets his normal life back.
I should really check outside again for shoveling, as it has been raining all night and with the frozen ground the water just flows downhill and accumulates under the front window.. They have put up a warning on the weather site about high wind gusts for today? which always cautions us for hydro outages in the area. I guess i will have to hope the greenhouse heaters will stay on but if we are without power - a whole new scenario emerges. 
And today it is actually the real SPRING. Yeah! Lets celebrate....take care

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