Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Still here....haha

Still hanging around the old homestead trying to stay upbeat - perhaps today will kick start that as after a few days of rain, the forecast indicates a few days of sort of sunny weather. I have taken stock outside and see where I might be able to get out and putter as long as I stay away from the icy spots and that dreaded potential fall! The front driveway is essentially clear and covered with fallen rotten apples from last fall - the tree is close to the driveway and since we did not do much picking last fall the apples stayed on the tree, have now fallen, and now nicely cover the driveway with an awful mess of mush. And with the rain and use of the pump to remove it, the driveway gravel has nicely shifted to the bottom and onto the actual road. This happens most every year and i get out the heavy broom and rake and try my best to bring the gravel/little limestone pieces back up a bit. Right now there is a big trench where the water flowed heavily from the pump down to the road. Actually it is too wet to accomplish much right now, but once it drys up a bit ( when is that?) i should have better luck. And also as things dry up more i should be able to get onto the actual roads by the house and sweep up the excess gravel and put in boxes ready for next winter. I have done this for years and believe me, the effort is worth it when I need to use it for traction in the winter. There is always a fine time line though for me to get some of the sand/gravel swept up and stored before the big cleaning machine comes down the street to clean it all up. So far I have been lucky.
My friend Sue sends pictures frequently - she is a great decorator of her home with seasonal themes and now it is Spring and Easter. She has ornaments and hangings to celebrate each event and today in my email was a picture of little bunnies arranged in a gorgeous dish sitting on her table. As she said in the message, she has to keep upbeat under these current horrible conditions by pleasing herself with her surroundings so that she can sound chipper in speaking on the phone with family and friends.She has always been a source of inspiration for many folks including me. It is a nice way to view life even if i do not always follow suit but I would like to try - maybe I'll do something similar for myself today - how about you folks - think of something - even small - that you can do to boost your mood. And then think of us while you do it - the vibes are sure to come my way eventually haha!
Time for another cup of coffee and then on with it. Yesterday I made a quick trip to the Vet to pick up the latest new food for Bailey. They are not going to open for the rest of this week so for a fleeting second I paniked but then was able to pull myself back from the brink knowing that i have been caring for Bailey for so long, that I am well able to continue.I will have to have a talk with him when he gets up so that he and i will be on the same page about this haha! Enough silliness...Take care.

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