Monday, December 30, 2019

Just puttering as well...

Although I am not producing gorgeous pieces of art such as you shared Pati on your Mouse Factory Blog.  My "studio" work yesterday consisted of basting five hexis - sounds sort of minimal but not when you think that the project actually made its way out of oblivion and into my room haha! That is progress!
It was a pleasant surprise to read that your latest improvisational quilt was graciously gifted to Gail. I think that was a very nice gesture since she was obviously in love with it. There are just some items or pieces of art that one does fall in love with, isn't there?
There have been severe weather warnings for last few days about a storm with winds and freezing rain to hit us last night and into today. So far this morning the outside is quiet except for a bit of cold wind blowing about, so I have my fingers crossed that things will not be as terrible as predicted.
I reorganized the open shelf on the kitchen wall to accommodate some new items I received for Christmas. Two new Tim Horton 2019 mugs, and a new DavidsTea mug, and a DavidsTea clear glass tea pot. It meant moving some of the Tim Hortons empty coffee tins to a box but that is OK for now.
Harry is almost finished printing and laminating his pictures from the old computer so I may be able to do a switch in the new year and then get our Server to connect us to the internet and then Geek Squad to troubleshoot issues. Apparently the Geek Squad are not able to touch anything with the Internet server (I had taken all the internet info into the store when I had them set up the new laptop before Christmas, but they could not do that for me - too bad!)
I am upset that I am on a dry spell with Lottery tickets as well. Pati you mentioned you scratched yours and got nothing for your trouble! I will sometimes get a free play or last number of the Encore ( Extra for you folks) but even those small wins are eluding me. I hope my luck will change as we are still booked to return to Casino Rama on Jan 30 with the reorganized seniors bus trip. When we drive past North Bay I spot the construction sight of the new Cascades Casino being built there - the structure is visible from the highway, and so far only the metal girders are erect but I can start to see the basic look of the place. They still say is should be open in July 2020.
So now to make a toasted bagel for breakfast and another coffee and I should then be 'good to go" for another day. Take care folks. Any special plans for New Years Eve?  I shall likely just go to bed like I always do....

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