Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Kidd Series

Oh, what a treat!  It's quite dated now, as it was written in the late 1990's, and involves computer "hacking", but easily read , regardless.  Had you asked for it, or did he come up with the idea on his own?  And where on earth did he find it?  Probably on Amazon.  You can find absolutely anything on Amazon.  And remember, this is the "Kidd" that is a minor character in John Sandford's Lucas Davenport  series.  

We had dinner at the local Aalto's restaurant.  This isn't a big restaurant, so I had made reservations early.  What a surprise when we got there and the hostess took us in, then made a right hand turn where we had never seen a right hand turn before.  A section of the wall had been opened into an adjacent banquet room, which was set up full of dinner tables.  We were taken in to a far corner, right beside the washrooms. But, lots of room, and a quiet corner.  We had to walk all the way back and into the main section for the buffet.  Moving into that main section made us realize just how busy and noisy it was.  We all agreed that there were advantages to sitting in the "boonies".  At least we could converse and all could hear what was said.

Then it was home to play Joker Rummy.  David and I often play it together, and we both discovered what a different game it can be with more than 2 players.  Loren had had to cook dinner at home as both his kids were under the weather.  But they phoned and had a chat with both David and I.  The party finally broke up when David fell asleep at the table.

Today we're back to reality with laundry, and the need to plan meals.  But--no left overs.  To bad one can't order in a bunch of left over Turkey dinners.

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