Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Stream of ideas

It's cold.  had to go out and wore a heavy pullover sweater, a very heavy cardigan, my big scarf/shawl, tuque, and finally, my parka.  Put all that on and try to drive a car!

The second of three books that I ordered arrived today.  I had ordered these thinking that they were "Monkeewrench" books that were missing from my collection.  Turns out that they aren't, but are by the same author.  Why, when one orders books from Amazon.ca, do the books come from England and Ireland?  And why do I calmly pay the shipping charges? well, at least I have something to read.

Why do the cookies David has hidden in the computer room taste so good.  Why can't they taste awful?

I have two large quilts going into a travelling show within the next month.  Over the past few days I've painfully changed the hanging sleeves to what I had thought we decided at our last meeting.  Each sleeve has to be sewn on by hand after the piece itself is finished.  Today I found out that the size has been changed again, to just slightly bigger than the ones I put on.  Now I have to start all over again.

I hate winter.  It's very pretty, and there are parties and places to go, but why does the cold make my arthritic bones hurt so much.

Well, that is off my chest.  Now, how do I get myself in a better mood.  Turns out there is a special episode of "The Masked Singer" on tonight.  Maybe a glass of wine will get rid of the Whine?

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