Monday, December 2, 2019

Puttering again

And that includes the type of shopping we did.  Off to the fabric store, where I renewed my membership which gives me at least 20% off anything I buy for the next year.  Since I'm having fun making smaller than bed sized quilts, I priced extra wide fabric for use as backings.  Once I get some money together, I'll also check the price of it at the quilt shop where I usually find things about 60% of the cost at Fabricland.  A bit of juggling, but I really don't want to pay inflated prices just because it will save me a trip across town.  Today I've been working on little tree ornaments based on a hexagon of fabric.  I saw the instructions on a blog I follow--"Not Afraid of Color", a couple of days ago, and have adjusted the size down to something more appropriate.  These aren't great art, but they might sell at the craft show next weekend.  If nothing else they will fill up my section of the table.  But they required tiny buttons to hide some hand stitching, so I bought pretty little buttons.  Lots of little buttons. Probably more than I will ever need, but I'm having fun.

Yesterday, we went to a craft show.  A lot of junk.  I saw one table which had some very nice bottles of "something", but nothing to indicate what was in the bottles.  I had to wonder if they thought they would bring people to their table to ask, but I just saw people walking right by.  What I did find was a package of seasoning for putting with soft cheese.  They were giving out samples and they were wonderful, so I bought a big bag.  I am expected to take some sort of food offering to the craft sale, and this might just fill the spot.  I had planned to make miniature blueberry muffins.  Tried the recipe yesterday morning--just to test them you understand--and they were awful.  So 40-some tiny little muffins went in the garbage.  Actually is was more like 34 since we both ate a few.

Today David's sister came over for tea, and was telling us about trying to sort out her step-daughter's estate.  Mary Lou died a few  days ago.  She was only 4 years younger than me. She had been in poor health for many years, even going through a liver transplant.  I had liked her.  She was fun, and we spent time together down at the lake.

Warm weather around here right now, but I understand it will be back to normal temperatures later in the week.  No more rain and sleet.  However, everything remains slippery, roads sidewalks and parking lots.  I've been taking my cane with its ice grippers when I'm out walking--not that I might choose to do much of that!

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