Saturday, December 14, 2019

Time passes--( more nonsense)

We're moving toward the Winter Solstice--now a week away.  This time of year, for about 4 weeks, driving becomes as issue as the sun doesn't get very much above the horizon.  This means that sunglasses aren't enough and visors become necessary all the time.  I've been aware of this for a few years now--ever since I figured out what was wrong .  That took awhile.

With this, the effects of aging are also becoming more obvious.  Every morning, we make a joke of congratulating each other for making it through the night.  Behind that is the very real fear of one of us having to deal with the other not waking.  We don't joke about that, or even talk about it.  This time of year with snow drifts and icy streets the physical effects of aging are also emphasized.

Please don't think I'm in another "blue funk", because I'm not.  I'm a little down and aware of it, but have found the best way to deal with it is to talk about it.  Sometimes saying these things out loud, or typing them into a post makes me realize how silly they are.  Yes, we are aging.  I'm having trouble with my right knee and am now forced to use my cane, even in the house.  But--I slept like a log last night, and feel much better than I did yesterday.

The sale in Landmark is on again today.  There are a couple more vendors, but my prices are marked, and Gail assures me that there is no problem with me not getting there early.  ( Since it's now 11:30, there is no danger of us getting there early)  I know that once I do get there there will be people and food and laughs.

Oh no!   David has just come in to ask me what we want to do for supper tonight, and what we want to plan for our anniversary.  That makes me think of 54 years together, and the whole aging thing pops up again!  Maybe I should just close this down and go and get dressed.  I've probably depressed both of you with all of this nonsense.  Sorry.  Go eat cookies and feel better .  That always worked when we all lived at home--those many years ago.

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