Sunday, February 20, 2022

no new news

 What can I say?  I'm still recovering from the very nasty cold I had last week.  I seem to have my energy back, but am still wandering around carrying a box of tissue.  Filling the time working on a very silly project that comes from a short workshop I took on line.  I sit in front of the tv watching the Olympics and folding little tiny bits of coloured paper.  I certainly don't want to leave the house, especially when every time I blow my nose, I need to head for the bathroom.

But I do have good news.  Wonderful news.  My poor computer is back from its trip to Brampton, ($$$) with a new motherboard, but not a new hard drive.  When I picked it up at Best Buy, I asked the fellow to make an appointment for in home assistance to set it up.  He didn't think I should need assistance and asked me for more specific info.  I told him about not having my e-mail set up like I wanted it, and not being able to either print or transfer photos from my camera.

He played around and then showed me that he had set up the e-mail.  I didn't have my camera card with me, so he suggested that I call the Geek Squad on line later, assuring me that they would be able to help.  I didn't even open it until the next day, and then tried my camera card.  It worked perfectly, so I tried to make it print.  It offered me a selection of printers, I clicked on the right one, and away we went.  I guess that all of my original info was on the hard drive, and when the motherboard was changed, it was that original info that popped up.  So all the problems with Windows 11 appear to be behind me.

There was supposed to be a meeting out in Selkirk this morning.  Last evening, David and I took a look at the weather forecast, and listened while Gail recounted her problems on the highway yesterday, and decided that I would send regrets.  I typed up an e-mail, and hit send, and up popped an e-mail postponing the meeting.  The two e-mail must have bumped into each other on the way to their destinations.  Early this afternoon, they came to shovel out the driveway and patio, but didn't shovel the path the to bird feeder and composter.  So this evening, David is out in his big boots and heavily wrapped up, to take the compost pail out.  He didn't make it, which left me with the chore of getting rid of the contents of the compost pail.  Since I had a new bag in the kitchen garbage, I drained the pail as best I could and then tried to dump it into the bag.  Nope, dumped it beside the bag in the garbage pail.  I used my hands to push the crap into the bag, tied it up and asked David, who was still dressed for the cold, to take it out to the garbage bin at the end of the driveway.  Then I had to clean up the two pails.  'Nuff said.

Not much more to say.  I can look forward to a shower this evening, and then relax in my nightie.  Maybe-just maybe- the bar will be open.

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