Saturday, January 14, 2023

Time to write...

Hi there,  It appears that I have not written for awhile but instead enjoying the messages and news from both of you. Perhaps I am here feeling sorry for myself after having Physio Treatments that are getting more rigorous and extreme. Who knew? Yesterday I went through what I told him was "hell" at which point he looked at me and laughed. Then I had to pay him for his kindness haha! But.... I am improving from his perspective even if at times I feel otherwise. In the last two weeks though, I have had two nasty falls which do not help my sense of well being. So I must pick myself up, brush myself off, and get on with it. 

I have been thinking about my stash, and all the fabrics and supplies I have. Perhaps Pati you have encouraged me to go through this exercise from your positive move to do the same. I have been gradually cleaning up in my "studio" which in itself is a big laugh to even call it that. And I have bins of fabric downstairs which I have been looking through as well. Harry would bring home much of this on his garage sale trips in years past - some just scraps but some with great potential including some already started projects of others. What to do???  I have a few good ideas. And towards that end I have been gathering, organizing, thinking and planning. I also have a few of my own projects started from many years ago and since it appealed to me then, why not have another look at them as well. Time will tell....

Another good endeavour I have just undertaken, is going back to the Library after years of absence. Not since Covid came have I been there until the other day. The Librarian greeted and welcomed me with enthusiasm. And she remembers all the books and authors I used to read with her first comment "Have you read the new Louise Penny book yet". I took out two books to get started - two that Cathy, you suggested as you helped me take that first step to return to the Library....thanks.

So as you see I am not idle (even with all the chores around the house with the animals haha!) and I'm trying to put a new spin on life. To keep active inspite of my current mobility issues. 

Looking forward to speaking with you both on our Three Sisters call. In meantime, take care and be safe.  Thinking of you....💜❤

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