Thursday, February 2, 2023

Any bills these days shout.... EeeK

 Good morning all,

We brace for the cold here to day and tomorrow. The worst days, and then it gets mild again - maybe too mild as it calls for some 0 C days next week, and that could cause some ? rain, possibly? That would not be nice. The night temps in the greenhouse went down and I almost blamed the weather but that day brought with it some flickering of lights inside, and I took pause at the time but did not follow up with checking the heaters. Sure enough one of the two had gone out which often happens with the slightest flicker of power. So some manipulation and some taping of doors and a tarp on top and we are good to go again and hopefully get us through the - 35 C called for with wind chill besides. You folks have endured it already but we are just getting a taste of it now. And it has snowed every day and night meaning shoveling every morning. How i wish it were late Spring or Summer haha!

The comments about Coverage and insurance makes we wonder what I might be able to do. I have thought of inquiring with Blue Cross to see if it might be possible, but in meantime i depend on Harry's minimal coverage with his Provincial pension. I lost my great coverage from my work HOOPP when I reached 65 and was cut off.

Doing more cleanup in the house lately and it is amazing what one finds in boxes or hidden on shelves etc. But i could get used to this "purging" feeling - it is uplifting and therapeutic 😊

I go to my next Physio appt tomorrow and I am sure he will put me through the paces again, and likely give me increased exercises to continue at home. It is slow but it is improving (I think).

Time for some breakfast and then on with the day. Take care and stay safe and warm and bring on the sun!

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